Company: Enjoy Movies
March, 2009

Participating in this film was very unexpected to me. During the preparation period to the film "I will be around" we with the director Paul Ruminov were given a task to re-edit a version of a film "PiraMMMida". it is a story of a famous figure in ex-soviet Russia - Sergey Mavrodi, who created a MLM company that was called MMM and which destroyed cash deposits of millions of russians in the beginning.

The film was made on the locations with actors. But it lacked dynamic of mass scenes. The crisis of MMM made investors to provide meetings near the office of the company for several weeks. We needed this breath of masses, breath of time. We had to show the spirit of the story. 

I was looking for video materials of that era in the archives, buying the props of that era from the collectioners and making the shots with the second unit, making voice over reading the articles of that time. And making videoshooting of the ordinary people in the places of Russia where life has not changed during the last 20 years of democracy.

We also organized shooting of the new subtitles with a card magician to create a reference with the sunstance of manupulative and dishonest business in Russia in the beginning of 90-s.

Finally the story became exciting and dynamic.

I acted in this film as a Post Production Manager and Second Unit Producer.

Film producer